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Back View partition table
  • Route type:
  • Pricing method: Weight-based charging- Volume-based charging- First weight and additional weight mode Ladder price mode Multi-level additional weight mode Multi-level first weight and additional weight mode
  • Volumetric weight: Length*Width*Height/{{expressData.factor}}
Back View partition table
Reference delivery time: {{item.reference_time}}
Price list:Split the total volume according to the ladder, calculate each part according to the corresponding price, and add them up to get the total price. Price list: Price list:Which interval does the total weight fall into? Calculate the total price according to the price of that interval
Price list:Split the total volume according to the ladder, calculate each part according to the corresponding price, and add them up to get the total price. Price list:Which interval does the total volume belong to? That is, calculate the total price according to the price of that interval Price list:
Channel value-added services​
{{index + 1}}、 {{}} {{ele.is_forced === 1 ? '(必选)' : '(可选)'}}
Actual freight​{{ele.value / 100}}% {{priceSymbol}}{{(ele.value / 100).toFixed(2)}} {{priceSymbol}}{{(ele.value / 100).toFixed(2)}}/Box​ {{priceSymbol}}{{(ele.value / 100).toFixed(2)}}/{{weightSymbol}}(Billing weight)​ {{priceSymbol}}{{(ele.value / 100).toFixed(2)}}/{{weightSymbol}}(Actual weight)​ Declared value​{{ele.value / 100}}%
Channel restriction rules​
{{index + 1}}、 ( {{ele2.param_name}} {{ele2.comparison == 'contains' ? 'Included' : ele2.comparison}} {{ele2.comparison == 'contains' ? =>',') : ele2.value}} ) when, And Or Limit 【Charge by order】 【Charge by box】 【Charge by box】 【Restrict warehouse release】 {{priceSymbol}}{{ele.value / 100}} ( Minimum charge{{priceSymbol}}{{ele.min_charge / 100}}, Maximum charge{{priceSymbol}}{{ele.max_charge / 100}} ) ( Minimum charge{{priceSymbol}}{{ele.min_charge / 100}} ) ( Maximum charge{{priceSymbol}}{{ele.max_charge / 100}} )
Mark:The above rules 【 {{expressData.rule_fee_mode ? 'Only charge according to the highest item rule for each partition' : 'charges simultaneously'}} 】, The maximum charge is...{{priceSymbol}}{{expressData.max_rule_fee / 100}} There is no upper limit.​

Channel description.​


